Biden claims he’s not for ‘abortion on demand,’ but for ‘three trimesters’

At an event in Las Vegas on Sunday, President Joe Biden raised some eyebrows online after he said he was not for "abortion of demand" but was only for abortion during "all three trimesters" of pregnancy.  

The president said to the Nevada crowd, "I love how Trump is saying Biden is for abortion on demand. Not true. That's not what Roe v. Wade said. It said the three trimesters... Trump and his MAGA friends are dividing us, not uniting us." 

The third trimester, which leads up to birth, sees unborn babies’ organs like the brain, kidneys, and lungs continue to develop, and the child will be able to suck its thumb and cry, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Abortion laws after the overturning of Roe v Wade in 2022 vary widely by state, with some states banning the procedure except in limited circumstances such as rape or the health of the mother, and other states allowing abortion up until fetal viability. Some states like Oregon and Vermont place no gestation limit on getting an abortion.

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