Ex-FBI Informant Charged Over ‘False Information’ Linked to Biden Bribery Probe Rearrested After Release

The ex-FBI informant who claimed the Biden family engaged in a bribery scheme in Ukraine was rearrested on Thursday, according to a court filing.

Alexander Smirnov was arrested for a second time for making false statements to a government agent and falsifying records in a federal investigation—the exact same charges as his first arrest—while he was attending a morning meeting with his lawyers after prosecutors appealed a judge’s ruling that had allowed him to be released with a GPS monitor ahead of his trial.

“It should further be noted that the fact that the Defendant was attending a legal consultation meeting at his attorneys’ office contradicts the notion that he is a risk of flight. It also highlights the interference with his cherished Sixth Amendment rights,” Mr. Smirnov’s lawyers, David Cheznoff and Richard Schonfeld wrote in the filing.

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