Haley, DeSantis Praise Trump Back-to-Back at RNC

Former President Donald J. Trump’s two main opponents in the 2024 presidential primary—former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis—addressed the Republican National Convention (RNC), part of a clear effort to signal unity in the party ahead of November’s general election.

Although Ms. Haley initially faced a mix of cheers and boos, thunderous applause greeted her unequivocal show of support for her party’s nominee, the strongest to date this cycle.

“I’ll start by making one thing perfectly clear. President Trump has my strong endorsement, period,” said Ms. Haley in her July 16 remarks at the convention.

She also thanked the former president for inviting her to speak.

“You don’t have to agree with Trump 100 percent of the time to vote for him,” she said before laying out the argument for her former boss’s superiority to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

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